Ending On A High Note


You’ve heard the saying before, “End on a high note”?

....But like with most things, how well do you apply that into your life?

As musicians, do you incorporate that into your practice? As teachers, how do you end your lessons with your students? As participants in the various activities throughout your day, how do you end each one of the things you do?

I’ve heard about ending on a high note, but I never applied it into anything I did. But, I’ve recently started acting out this good advice and the results have been great.

For practicing guitar, I make sure I either end with a fun song or if I’m practicing something important. I make sure to end on a great playing of that piece. If I’m weightlifting, I make sure to end on a good rep. For the beginnings and endings of my days I make sure to start and finish them with something that I love to do. This makes most of life, most of what I do, and most of each of my days awesome.

I play guitar better. I learn pieces faster. I am stronger. I'm a better learner. And each one of my days are filled with greater amounts of joy than ever before. That’s pretty cool.

Because I’ve applied “ending on a high note” to a lot of things that I love and my life is better for it. So the least you can do is apply it to your practice sessions. End each one with something you love to do and/or can do well.